CFA with Manish Ramuka


Since 2020, CFA institute has taken all measures possible to conduct CFA exams in an effective manner. All the steps taken aligned with its intention to give a fair chance to everyone in pursuing the charter. With constant evaluation they have also tried to eradicate every repercussion that the decision has caused. Further in this direction the CFA institute had recently come up with an adjustment.

The exam window for CFA level 2 and CFA level 3 exams have been shifted. Originally CFA level 3 exams were to be conducted in November of each year and results were released in early February. It is less known fact that CFA level 3 exams involve manual grading. The end of the year holiday season is posing a hindrance to complete the grading of CFA level 3 papers in time. This defies the aim to gain maximum from computer based testing and hence, CFA institute has shifted the exam window for CFA level 3 exams from November to August.

Along with this, a CFA level 2 exam window will be added in November. So students will now have the opportunity to attempt CFA level 2 thrice in a year.

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